01268 931094


The best men's haircut not only looks great, but keeps it's shape longer.

We want you to relax in our original 1960's Belmont Chairs, whilst we provide you with an enjoyable grooming experience

The Chase offers you :-

Men's Cut/Style

      (incl: wash, cut and style)

Skin Fades

      (incl: Foil shaver)

Men's Long Hair & Restyles

      (incl: wash, scissor cut and style)

Students     (16-18 student id. req.)     

Children     (Restyles & tramlines extra £5)


Crops     (All grades - clipper cut)

Beard Trims

Traditional Wet Shave

      (Appt Necessary)










Walk ins and appointments available, to make a appointment call us on 01268 931094